I can’t believe it’s been a week since I last posted, but that’s partly because I can’t believe how fast the last week went by! May is always insanely busy, between our anniversary, the twins’ birthday, mother’s day, end-of-school stuff, and Mike’s travel.
However, the fun stuff started on Monday April 30th when our six-year-old water heater decided to spring a leak and we spent all day removing and replacing it. Then one of the twins needed a doctor’s appointment the next day, and then there were groceries, and then birthday celebrations, I finally got a waaaay overdue haircut, we had some of our favorite out-of-state family visit for a night and then we had the twins’ birthday lunch over the weekend.
When I sat down at the computer yesterday I swore I wasn’t going to move from the chair all day. But then I remembered all the stuff that’s piled up since last week and I think I got about an hour of computer time all day. Whatevs, as the kids say.

So, I really didn’t get to do anything fun in the kitchen all week. Aside from a cake that I made the girls that had a, well, gerbil on it. Why this madness? The girls each got a gerbil for their birthday!
It was a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting, and I shredded some white chocolate on top for the “bedding.” I frosted a Twinkie with some coconut pecan frosting and piped on the details. It didn’t quite turn out how I pictured it in my head, and yeah, I know, “oooh gross,” but they loved it and it was delicious.