Archive for August 2009
Tuesdays With Dorie: Applesauce Spice Bars
It was a mistake to make these Applesauce Spice Bars. Fall won’t descend upon Las Vegas for another two months or so, and now my kitchen smells like cinnamon and baked apples and caramel, and it makes me sad. I mean, my mouth and nose are very happy, but it’s a reminder that fall is still so far off!
I had some help with this week’s Tuesdays With Dorie, which was picked by Karen of Something Sweet (and bear with me, I’m a day off!). One of my nine-year-olds hung out in the kitchen with me and she even took a few pictures, which is why there are so many. 🙂
Let’s go! Read More
Tuesdays With Dorie: Brownie Buttons
I’m participating in Tuesdays With Dorie, and this week’s project is Dorie’s Brownie Buttons from her book Baking. The recipe can be found at Two Scientists Experimenting in the Kitchen.
The brownies turned out well, but my biggest obstacle was that I didn’t have any of the bittersweet chocolate that the recipe calls for. I ended up using unsweetened chocolate instead, and tried to compensate by adding about two extra tablespoons of sugar to the mix. Though the brownies turned out a little dry, they tasted great, and the kids loved them!
The first step was combing chocolate, butter and brown sugar over a double-boiler to get everything melted and combined.