
Roast Chicken in the Crockpot

Crockpot Roast Chicken

These plates will be collector’s items someday, right?

I’ve written before about how much my family and I love roast chicken for Sunday dinner, but let’s face it — that’s a lot of work. Over time it went from happening every other week to once a month, and now it’s been several months since I last made one. While the roast chicken and the potatoes and carrots were delicious, just the thought of all the prep work put me off it altogether. Read More


Sunday Night Roast Chicken

Roast Chicken

Over the last few months I’ve been making a roast chicken every other week for Sunday dinner. Roaster chickens are very affordable (around $5) and even with my family of five I’m able to get enough leftover chicken to use in another meal later in the week.

I started out making Ina Garten’s roast chicken, but I’ve kind of strayed away from that and changed it to what we like. Read More