TWD: Lemon Loaf Cake
This week’s Tuesdays With Dorie is Lemon Loaf Cake. I was looking forward to this one because I love lemons, and a whole cakey loaf that tasted like them sounded wonderful.

i did eventually remember the eggs
The recipe is hosted by Truc and Michelle.
I love how naked lemons look like they’ve been coated in sugar. The recipe called for the zest of three lemons. It was a lot of zest. I was excited.
It was so yellow and so beautiful in the pan.
The house smelled amazing while it was baking. Mike and the girls kept asking when it would be done. We were all impatient. It took the full 60 minutes to bake since it was still pretty gooey at 50 minutes. Then we had to wait at least 10 minutes before taking it out of the pan.
At this point I think everyone stopped by to take a look. Some of the edges got a little browner than they probably should have, but that sort of thing has never bothered me.
The recipe says that some people think pounds cakes taste better after they’ve sat for a day. So we each tested a small piece on baking day. Then I wrapped it up and we tried it again the day after. And… it was fairly meh. It was a bit dry and dense, and the lemon just really never popped.
This isn’t to say the loaf wasn’t good, it was, but it was nowhere near what I was expecting it to be. I don’t know that I’ll make it again, but if I do I’m going to follow some of the advice given at the TWD site and add some lemon juice to the batter, or find a good glaze or topping to go with it. (Of course, it was delicious with butter, but what isn’t.)