Raspberry Chambord Margarita

It’s National Margarita Day, which can only mean one thing: A Raspberry Chambord Margarita!
Mike and I used to go out to a restaurant here in Vegas called Z’Tejas Southwestern Grill — unfortunately it shut down a few years ago. However, they had the best margarita ever, the Raspberry Chambord Margarita. It was tangy, smooth, and packed a punch. I was able to find a “copycat” recipe of it online a while back and we tried it last summer. It’s a perfect clone of the one we used to enjoy at the restaurant, and is actually pretty easy to make.
Instead of freezing the pitcher of mix like the instructions said to do, we use our ice cream maker. Just pour the mix into the pre-frozen canister, turn your machine on and within about 20 minutes or so you’ll have the perfect consistency for the margarita.
Chambord Raspberry Margarita
4 cups warm water
1 cup granulated sugar
2/3 cup lime juice
2/3 cup lemon juice
10 oz gold tequila
5 oz triple sec
Chambord raspberry liqueurCombine the sugar and warm water and stir until sugar is completely dissolved. Add lime and lemon juices, tequila, and triple sec. If making way ahead of time, pour into a pitcher, stick it in the freezer, let it freeze up a bit and give it a stir every now and then so it’s slushy. (This is a great plain margarita.)
If you’ve got an electric ice cream maker, pour the mix in and run it for about 20 minutes, or until it’s thick and slushy. Transfer to a pitcher.
Pour about 1/2 an ounce of Chambord (a little goes a long way!) into the bottom of a glass and spoon or pour the frozen margarita over it. This recipe halves well.
That looks REALLY yummy!
Adrith! It really is — we haven’t made it in a while but tonight’s looking promising 😀
Thanks for pointing out that tip – lots of people never think to use their ice cream maker to make frozen drinks and yet they do a great job.
ohhh! This one I’m printing and gluing to the fridge. Thanks for posting
Hi Meredith! That’s a good idea – I can never find it when I need it and have to go digging through my recipe folder 😀