Party Prep
This evening we will have ten pre-teen girls descend upon our house for approximately 16 hours.
My twins turn 12 next week so this weekend was chosen for the festivities. And being almost-12-year-olds who love loud music, gobs of makeup, stinky nail polish and friends friends FRIENDS, that means a sleepover party is pretty much mandatory.
So this has been my morning. Between bouts of cleaning (though I’m not doing all of it — the girls aren’t getting off that easily) I’ve been making cupcakes.
These food colorings are the best things ever. I saw Giada use them a few months ago and immediately ordered some. They’re pretty amazing.
I kind of miss the little-girl days of pastel pinks and yellows and greens. Everything now has to be bright and intense and edgy (is purple edgy?).
The only drawback to playing with cupcakes is the clean up. I hate cleaning up.
I debated piping on the frosting but let’s be real. These things will be unwrapped and inhaled so quickly I doubt they’ll even be tasted.
I’m not doing anything fancy for dinner. Everyone likes pizza, right? Especially pizza eaten outside, with paper plates and plastic utensils and not a caffeinated beverage in sight.
Will somebody swing by with the hard liquor? Thank you.
Hope you still have your sanity by tomorrow! The cupcakes look festive!
I hope the party went well. the cupcakes look great!