Archive for July 2011


Fixing Up Brownie Mix: Brownie Mix Cookies

Tonight is dessert night so I thought I’d find another way to mess around with a box of brownie mix. I found this recipe online (it’s in several places and I didn’t bookmark it, or I’d give credit) and while it’s simple enough it was hit or miss (I didn’t care for it but everyone else did). Read More


Lime Chicken Soft Tacos

Lime Chicken Soft Tacos

I tend to use my crockpot a lot in the summer months, and I probably use it more than I do any other time of the year. We’ll be hitting 100+ degrees daily for at least two more months, so anything I can do to avoid heating up the kitchen with the oven or even the stove some days will help. Read More


Fixing Up Brownie Mix: Cream Cheese Brownies

Cream Cheese Brownies

Much to my family’s appreciation, I’ve got a lot of brownie mix sitting in my pantry. However, if I know them they’re going to get pretty bored with the same brownies for dessert night week after week (well, I would too), so for tonight’s dessert night I’m using one of my favorite add-ins: cream cheese. Read More